Sea & Sauna

A unique experience to get in touch with nature, your senses, your body and just be in the moment. The environment is both testing and tranquil in equal measure. An opportunity to take positive steps in pushing the ‘comfort zone’. A chance to spend time with likeminded people taking action towards their health and wellbeing. An alternative fitness session to support the decompression from life’s stresses.

Within the 1 hour 45 minute session you will feel achievement, revived and alive! Running order times are approximate and depend on individuals preferences.


Each sessions consists of:

  • 15-25 minute light jog/stretching warm up
  • x2 5 minute movement/breath work
  • x2 0-5 minutes cold water immersion/exposure (Sea)
  • x2 5 minutes movement/breath work
  • x2 15-20 minutes Sauna
  • 15-20 minutes fire pit conversation with a hot drink and healthier snack

the benefits of contrast therapy

Lowers blood pressure
Same effects as light exercise
Relaxing, restorative and regenerative

"there's a real sense of being as opposed to doing, resetting your mind and letting go of your worries"
